25 Hard To Believe Pieces Of Trivia That Will Impress Your Friends

Have you ever wanted to be the coolest person at the party? You know, the guy with all the jokes that makes everyone laugh and just seems like he was born to be awesome? Well, you might not be able to out-joke him but maybe if you use your superior intellect you can make him look inferior when compared to your immense mental prowess. Then everybody will stop laughing at his jokes and start paying attention to your incredibly nuanced understanding of the world. They will completely forget about him and think to themselves “wow, this nerd is awesome!”. Sounds like wishful thinking right? It probably is but you know, dishing out some trivia every now and then definitely doesn’t hurt your chances of being labeled as cool, even if it is in a slightly nerdy way. So what would be an example you ask? Try this one – did you know that dogs poop in line with the Earth’s magnetic field? That is sure to get people’s attention. Besides, most of them probably own dogs so they’ll all go home and intently watch their canine pals as they relieve themselves in the yard. And you’ll be super cool. These are 25 hard to believe pieces of trivia that will impress your friends!



Although Saudi Arabia is covered in sand, the sand is of such low quality that for construction projects, sand has to be imported from places like Australia.

Although Saudi Arabia is covered in sand, the sand is of so low quality that it has to import sand from places like Australia for use in construction projects 2523

Source: wikipedia, Image: wikipedia


Australia also provides Saudi Arabia with camels because Saudi camels are not good for meat

Australia also provides Saudi Arabia with camels because Saudi camels are not good for meat 2423

Source: wikipedia, Image: wikipedia


Did you know that there’s a difference between a graveyard and a cemetery? Graveyards are attached to churches while cemeteries stand alone.

Graveyards are attached to churches while cemeteries are stand alone 2323

Source: wikipedia, Image: wikipedia


Bank of America was originally named Bank of Italy

Bank of America was originally named Bank of Italy 2224

Image: MoneyBlogNewz, Image: wikipedia


The word “bookkeeper” and its derivatives is the only words in the English language to have 3 consecutive sets of double letters


Source: wikipedia, Image: wikipedia


-40° F is the same temperature as -40° C

-40° F is the same temperature as -40° C 2023

Source: wikipedia


The continent with the highest average education level is Antarctica (only researchers live there)

The continent with the highest average education level is Antarctica (only researchers live there) 1923

Source: wikipedia, Image: wikipedia


People who suffer from prosopagnosia can’t recognize faces.

People who suffer from prosopagnosia can

Source: wikipedia, Image: wikipedia


Dogs poop in line with Earth’s magnetic field

Dogs poop in line with Earth

Source: frontiersinzoology.com, Image: wikipedia


There is no chemical difference between hair, fingernails, and rhino horns (all are made of keratin)

There is no chemical difference between hair, fingernails, and rhino horns (all are made of keratin) 1623

Source: wikipedia, Image: wikipedia


If you lined all the planets in the Solar System side by side they would fit almost perfectly between the Earth and the Moon with only about 5,000 miles to spare (that’s less than the distance from Los Angeles to London)

If you lined all the planets in the Solar System up side by side they would fit almost perfectly between the Earth and the Moon with only about 5,000 miles to spare (that

Source: wikipedia, Image: wikipedia


Did you know that Caskets and coffins are different? Caskets are square while coffins are tapered at the head and the foot

Caskets are square while coffins are tapered at the head and the foot 1423

Source: wikipedia, Image: wikipedia


New Zealander Nigel Richards won the 2015 French Scrabble Championship. The crazy part? He doesn’t speak French. Even crazier? Nigel corrected his opponent when he put down a non-existent word.

New Zealander Nigel Richards won the 2015 French Scrabble Championship. The crazy part? He doesn

Source: wikipedia


WD-40 is called as such because the first 39 attempts to make “Water Displacement” failed. It was also not patented in order to avoid disclosing its ingredients


Source: wikipedia, Image: wikipedia


The word oxymoron is itself an oxymoron with “oxy” deriving from the ancient Greek for “sharp” and moron from “dull”


Source: wikipedia, Image: wikipedia


The bullwhip is the first man made device to break the sound barrier

The bullwhip is the first man made device to break the sound barrier 1023

Source: wikipedia, Image: wikipedia


Jellyfish only have one orifice so they poop through their mouth

Jellyfish only have one orifice so they poop through their mouth 923

Source: wikipedia, Image: wikipedia


“Facetious” is the only word in the English language that has all the vowels in alphabetical order


Source: wikipedia, Image: wikipedia


Emperor penguins have a gland behind their ears that converts salt water to fresh water

Emperor penguins have a gland behind their ears that converts salt water to fresh water 723

Source: wikipedia, Image: wikipedia


The relatively unknown third founder of Apple, Ronald Wayne, sold his 10% share for $800 in 1976.

The relatively unknown third founder of Apple, Ronald Wayne, sold his 10% share for $800 in 1976. 623

Source: wikipedia


Wombats have cubed pieces of poop

Wombats have cubed pieces of poop 523

Source: wikipedia, Image: wikipedia


Hippo milk is pink

Hippo milk is pink 423

Source: wikipedia, Image: wikipedia


The spire on the Empire State Building was meant to dock Zeppelins

The spire on the Empire State Building was meant to dock Zeppelins 323

Source: wikipedia, Image: wikipedia


The first US president born in a hospital was Jimmy Carter

The first US president born in a hospital was Jimmy Carter 270

Source: wikipedia, Image: wikipedia


The word “trivia” comes from Latin meaning “three streets”, and stems from Romans putting up signposts at crossings giving information about each direction.


Source: wikipedia, Image: wikipedia

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