These 24 Shy Animals Will Make You Want To Give Them All Huge Hugs

For some of us, it’s kind of hard to be around others for long periods of time…or really at all. Sometimes it’s better to just stay in with a good book and a cup of tea (or giant bowl of ice cream). But when society does force us into social situations, it can get rough, leaving us longing for our best friends (i.e. Liz Lemon).

I only wish that I was as cute as all of these babies when I’m being awkward at a party!

1. “Do I have to play with the other puppies?”

2. Sometimes shyness can translate to anger or aggression…

3. Other times it just translates straight to adorableness.

4. “Hey, just seeing if anyone was in here. I’ll come back later.”

5. Just…look me in the eyes. Please?

6. “Privacy, please!”

7. “I don’t want to go to the ice cream social! I don’t even like ice cream!”

8. “I prefer silence, please and thank you. Goodbye.”

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9. “Hi my name is Kirby and I’m a shy dog.”

10. It’s about time to come out of that shell, little nug.

11. I guess band practice is cancelled for the foreseeable future.

12. “You didn’t tell me you were having a dinner party!”

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13. “Can’t I just sleep forever?!”

14. “You should have learned to just not bring me to parties by now.”

15. “I can’t see you, you can’t see me.”

16. “Obedience school is bad enough, now you have to dress me up in this?”

17. “I can’t take him anywhere.”

18. “Um, can we, um, maybe…change…the channel? It’s okay if no. I mean. Whatever. Never mind actually, bye!”

19. Heeeere, kitty kitty kitty.

20. It’s okay if you need a hiding place, but I really need to do a load of whites…

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21. “Can’t I just stay here?”

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22. “Don’t look at me!”

23. She’s definitely not ready for the world!

24. “I wasn’t having fun! Leave me alone!”

If any of these guys would let me get anywhere near them, I’d give them all the biggest hug in the world, and tell them that they’ll get over their shyness…one day.

You just gotta jump in the deep end! Talk about the weather or terrible movies (or Beggin’ Strips and toy mice) with a stranger, and you’ll see it’s really not that bad!

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