20 Hilariously Mean Notes That Will Make You Laugh All Day

If you don’t like face-to-face confrontation, but you have a bone to pick with someone, there are very limited options for you to get your point across. Leaving a note is one of those options.

The Holy Grail of passive aggression, notes allow you to say what’s on your mind while remaining anonymous. But these people may have taken the method a little too far…

1. They could’ve just lit it on fire and called it a day, but they didn’t!

2. The songbirds that everyone hates.

3. Leave these people alone.

4. Oh boy…here we go…

5. That kitty has a problem, you enablers!

6. I wonder what legal issues come with planting pine trees.

7. Nobody wants to see you shagging, friends.

8. Who does that?!

9. What things do they do? What things?!

10. Try shampooing that out!

11. That is a valid storage method.

12. Who knew that Harry Potter could be so passive-aggressive?

13. Revenge is a dish best served cold…or frozen.

14. No one wants to be called a hipster.

15. The walls have eyes…and ears…and a handle on basic literacy.

16. Why? Just…why?

17. Well, that’s one way to do it.

18. So do they want us to let the cats out, or…?

19. All in pretty cursive!

20. How courteous!

(via Bored Panda)

I’m glad I’ve never gotten one of these. It doesn’t get much more embarrassing than that, so I’d love to see how these people handled it. Did they change their ways, or were there more notes where these came from?

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