Stunning Sculpture At Burning Man Festival Shows The Inner Child Trapped Inside Every Adult Body

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Burning Man Festival takes place every year in the middle of Nevada’s unforgiving Black Rock desert. Thousands of people come from near and far to enjoy the once-in-a-lifetime experience. Every year the festival displays many stunning works of art, but perhaps one of the most awe-inspiring from this year’s festival was the sculpture of two adult bodies with inner children trapped inside.

Ukrainian sculptor Alexander Milov created the sculpture and fondly titled it ‘Love.’ The sculpture includes two huge wire-frame adults seated back to back, each with an inner child trapped inside reaching out to the other. When the sun disappeared each night of the 8-day festival, the children within the sculpture lit up.

Looking at the piece of art provokes a different feeling for all. Milov explains what the statue means to him on the festival website: “It demonstrates a conflict between a man and a woman as well as the outer and inner expression of human nature. Their inner selves are executed in the form of transparent children, who are holding out their hands through the grating. As it’s getting dark (night falls) the children chart to shine. This shining is a symbol of purity and sincerity that brings people together and gives a chance of making up when the dark time arrives.”

The beautiful message can be felt across borders and cultures, but that’s not the only reason it is a significant work of art. Milov is also the first Ukrainian artist to receive a grant from Burning Man to create his art.

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The structure measures 59 feet long (18 meters), 18 feet wide (5.5 meters) and 24 feet high (7.5 meters).

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The Burning Man festival originated in 1986; ever since 1999 Milov, an artist, blacksmith, sculptor and designer, dreamed of traveling to Nevada to take part in it. Instead of buying a ticket, priced between $400 and $1,000, Milov submitted an application to demonstrate his art, becoming the first Ukrainian artist to receive a grant through the festival.

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In an interview with Milov said, “The project costs the same as an apartment in Odessa, around $65,000.”

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Next Up: Amazing Photos Reveal Why You Need To Experience Burning Man At Least Once

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