If You're A Fan Of Art And Fruit, You'll Find This Artist's Work...A-Peel-Ing

Artists usually tend to gravitate toward certain methods, whether it’s painting, sculpture, or anything else. Of course, there are plenty of artists who prefer to pass up the more traditional art forms in favor of choosing less conventional techniques and materials.

One such artist is Stephan Brusche, who has chosen an atypical canvas: the humble banana.

To be fair, drawing on a banana peel is incredibly satisfying.

But Brusche doesn’t just draw on them. He also cuts the peels into a variety of shapes for a three-dimensional effect, and adds some paint for full-color compositions.

The artist draws inspiration from famous masterpieces.

And in this one, another fruit even makes an appearance.

He also creates panoramic views of his home city of Rotterdam.

And he’s also very inspired by pop culture.

Sometimes, the creations are all his own, featuring characters on a variety of potassium-rich adventures.

And as this picture shows, they don’t have to be complex to be effective.

(via Elite Daily)

Bananas aren’t Brusche’s only focus, and you can see the rest of his work on his website, Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram.

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