Baby Kangaroo Gives Snuggles and Love to Rescued Emu Chicks

emu chicks kangaroo cover emu chicks kangaroo cover

Photo Credit: Facebook/Wild Action

Recently, there have been quite a few stories about all sorts of various animal species who don’t seem to care that they’re cuddling up with a creature who is completely unlike they are – particularly during times of need. But emus and kangaroos are certainly a first. It was the Wild Action Zoo in Victoria, Australia that was the home of some unique and exceptionally adorable inter-species snuggling.

An eight-month-old baby kangaroo gives snuggles and lots of love to a couple of rescued day-old emu chicks. The marsupial who goes by the name of Reuben, cuddled up with the chicks named Edi and Eli in one cozy bed, creating an overload of adorableness.

Photographer Jay Town captured the scene, showing the little emus making themselves right at home, and even stepping right over Reuben so they can get nice and comfy.

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Edi and Eli came to the zoo via zoologist Chris Humfrey, who rescued them from imminent danger – an almost sure death by feral foxes.

Humfrey told Buzzfeed, “The father emu, ‘Elvis,’ would not have been able to protect the chicks from being eaten at night. Now these bundles of fluff sleep next to my fireplace… they all live quite happily together.”

Of course, the emus won’t get to enjoy cuddles with Reuben forever. Once they’ve grown a bit bigger, they’ll be reunited with mom and dad.

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