Awesome Dad Builds Triple Rocking Chair So He Can Read to All of His Kids at Once

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Photo Credit: Hal Taylor, Facebook/Hal Russell Taylor

A doting dad created a triple rocking chair, just so he can read to all three of his children at once.

Hal Taylor said loved to read to his first two children, but when his third arrived he was faced with a dilemma – he could no longer fit all of them onto his lap during story time.

Fortunately, this awesome dad also happens to be a master craftsman – and, one of the best rocking chair carpenters in the world. So he easily came up with a solution – he built a rocking chair with one adult-sized seat and two child-sized seats for himself and his two older children, and then his youngest daughter can sit on his lap while he reads to them all.

rocking chair rocking chair

Of course, he could just read to his children on the couch, but that would be way too easy, and not near as much fun.

Taylor told Bored Panda, “When Rose was born, she proved herself to be the ‘communicator’ in the family… she was NOT going to be left out of the reading crowd! Now, all three children could have a comfortable seat when reading.”

He calls his masterpiece the “Storytime Rocking Chair,” and the hand-crafted rocker goes for between $7,000 and $7,500. On his website,, he explains the exquisite craftsmanship that makes this heirloom chair cost so much.

“There are over 200 precisely cut and shaped pieces of wood which I use to make up the 19 back braces,” he says. “That is more pieces than you will find in 20 normal rocking chairs!”

triple rocking chair triple rocking chair

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