A Day At The Zoo Became Incredibly Adorable When This Toddler Met A Baby Gorilla

Going to the zoo is a big moment in a toddler’s life. It’s where they first experiences most animals, hear wild sounds, and see some pretty amazing things. Parents love it because they can do all this without having to worry about an unpredictable animal attacking their child.

But sometimes, if you’re super lucky, you don’t just get to see magical things, you get to be a part of them. For instance, when this toddler met his first baby gorilla, they immediately start playing a game of hide-and-seek…needless to say, it’s the cutest thing ever.

That’s what’s great about children! They don’t care who they’re with, they just want to play. Adorably, you can also see how great their parents are: the gorilla’s guardian is watching over him as he plays and the little boy’s parent is video taping it for the world to witness.

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