This new medical putty helps heal bones faster. Some fractures can be fixed in two weeks!

This new medical putty helps heal bones faster. Some fractures can be fixed in two weeks!

Once again we are reminded that the future is not very far off. Medical technologies are constantly being improved so that us humans can grow closer to the image of the perfect being glistening in our eyes. Now we are one step closer to that dream.

Scientists have discovered a unique putty that will enable broken and shattered bones to reach their natural carrying capacity in a matter of weeks after breaking. This will solve problems with pain, and among the many special cases it will improve the outcome of, one stands out.

A primary cause of amputation of the limbs of war veterans is complex fracturing. This new technology, dubbed “Fracture Putty” will be packed in and around the bone of the wounded soldier and within a week or so they will be able to walk normally and the bone will be able to heal like it should.

As the bone heals the material degrades into harmless byproducts that can easily and safely be absorbed by the body without symptoms. Of course, research is still being conducted to improve the product and make it more of a reality than it already is, but this could certainly be part of the future of medical treatment.


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