When a cruise ship sank, the crew abandoned ship, leaving the passengers behind. Thankfully, they had an unlikely savior...

When a cruise ship sank, the crew abandoned ship, leaving the passengers behind. Thankfully, they had an unlikely savior...

For passengers aboard the doomed cruise ship Oceanos, August 3, 1991 is a day they will never forget. During a storm, the ship took on water and sank off the coast of South Africa. Lucky for them there was someone ready to take charge to get the passengers to safety.

That person was guitarist Moss Hills. He came to the realization that the captain and crew were being dishonest about the circumstances being faced. They denied knowing that the ship was flooding until much later.

So Hills began to radio for help. He and a few other people from the entertainment staff stepped up to the plate and began the evacuation process, which involved getting the passengers into lifeboats.

It’s not surprising that someone who found himself in a new position of huge responsibility ran into some problems on the way. He argued with people about how many people should be in the boats and became angry with the crew for their handling of the situation. Don't forget the violent seas, which only made the task more challenging.

Soon, the helicopters arrived, and thankfully, everyone made it to safety. There may have been some heated moments of frustration, but Moss Hills played an extremely important role in saving lives.


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