Janet Leigh, star of Hitchcock's Psycho, was traumatized by her infamous shower scene. Learn how it changed her life.

Janet Leigh, star of Hitchcock's Psycho, was traumatized by her infamous shower scene. Learn how it changed her life.

There are some movies that leave a lasting impression on viewers. That can be especially true for people who are involved in making movies. With that said, the traumatization Janet Leigh went through was above and beyond what an actress usually goes through.

Decades after watching her infamous scene in Hitchcock’s Psycho, in which her character was stabbed numerous times, she still could feel a sense of overpowering fear. It was a fear that never subsided after she first saw it. Not only were the emotions that Leigh associated with that scene as strong as ever, but she felt compelled to make some changes in her life, too, that made her feel more comfortable.

For instance, for the rest of her life, she avoided showers at all possible costs, preferring baths instead. One the rare occasions when a shower was the only option available, she made sure all the doors were locked and kept the curtain open. As if that weren’t enough, she also would watch the door while showering, no matter where the shower head was located.

Notwithstanding the extreme lengths that Leigh went to in order to feel safe after her role in Psycho, things weren’t all bad. She reflected on her career and the many movies she made and reached the conclusion that she was lucky to be remembered for that one role.


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