Two thieves dressed as Boston police stole $500 million from a museum. Nobody knows how!

Two thieves dressed as Boston police stole $500 million from a museum. Nobody knows how!

In what remains as the largest property crime in United States history, also remains as one of the most impressive feats when it comes to burglaries.

Two thieves with astounding confidence at 1:24AM simply asked to be buzzed in by security after claiming that they were called to the scene because of a disturbance.

The security guard without asking any other further questions, let the burglars in.

At the time of the burglary, there were only two security guards on duty. One of them was assigned to sit at the desk to monitor the cameras, and notify police if there were any robberies or disturbances.

The other security guard was to walk around the museum and make sure nothing suspicious was happening.

The two thieves took advantage of this by first approaching the guard at the desk. The thieves claimed that they recognized the man at the desk from an outstanding warrant, and 'arrested him' on the spot by putting him in handcuffs.

The second guard heard the commotion and made his way over to the thieves, who was also 'arrested'. The security guard asked "What am I being arrested for?" To which one of the thieves responded "You aren't. This is a robbery".

The robbery lasted 81 minutes, as the thieves stole 13 paintings. The security guards remained handcuffed, with their mouths duct taped until police arrived the next morning around 8 AM!


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