Some states don't have a minimum wage law! Find out how much hourly workers get paid there

Some states don't have a minimum wage law! Find out how much hourly workers get paid there

If you feel like you're not getting paid enough for the hard hours you put in at your job, just remember, it could be so much worse. Minimum wage exists to keep up with the raising costs of living. Rent, utilities and gas aren't getting any cheaper. The federal government has their own minimum wage at $7.25 an hour, but there are four states that trail behind even that.

Arkansas, Georgia, Minnesota, and Wyoming all have a minimum wage less than the federal government—much less. The highest of the four is Arkansas at $6.25 and at the bottom of the minimum wage barrel are Wyoming and Georgia at a measly $5.15.

Luckily, the federal minimum wage law supersedes the state's rate, so the hard-working hourly workers can keep up on the piling bills. If the state's minimum wage is higher than the federal's rate than the state rate reigns supreme.

The highest minimum wage in the United States is Washington at an impressive $9.32, no doubt for the pricier cost of living there.

Missing out on the minimum wage club is five states that lack a law altogether. They are Alabama, Louisiana, Mississippi, South Carolina, and Tennessee.


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