Recently surfaced pictures of the "Tank Man" at Tiananmen Square shows just how brave he was. Check them out!

Recently surfaced pictures of the "Tank Man" at Tiananmen Square shows just how brave he was. Check them out!

The Tiananmen Square “Tank Man” is an iconic picture of a Chinese protester standing up to a small column of tanks and not letting them pass. It has become synonymous with risking your life to stand up for what you believe in. Turns out that it was even more terrifyingly impressive when you zoom out just a bit and see what else was coming.

A democratic movement spread through China in 1989, sparking a massacre of protesters when Chinese leaders authorized military action against the movement. An unidentified man, unknown even to this day, stood up to the deployed tanks, moving into their path each time they tried to move around. He proceeded to climb on top of the turret to speak with the soldiers inside and then climbed back down in front where he was pulled away by a group of people.

New pictures with a different perspective recently surfaced of the iconic protester, showing the force and power that was coming down the line. In the distance you can see many more than four tanks, showing nearly an entire deployment of men and machine. Another picture showed the event from ground level where people in the foreground were running in fear. In the distance you can see the brave protester standing his ground right before the tanks reached him. Check out more pics at the source!


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