To be the president of the USA you need to be tough. Just how tough? Here's how tough

To be the president of the USA you need to be tough. Just how tough? Here's how tough

Lets face it, to be President of the United States you need to be someone quite serious. You don’t get to be the most powerful person in the world by being a half hearted ne'er–do–well.

Many of the presidents past have been military men, with some seeing actual combat in some of the major conflicts around the world.

But one president stands tall amongst the collection of already tall folk. That president was John F Kennedy, and he was a man with a level of determination not often seen.

Plagued by a recurring back injury, he was excluded from joining the military, but instead of sitting back with a relieved sigh, he convinced his rather powerful father to pull some strings and he got himself enlisted into the Navy.

While there he proved just what he was made of when his PT-109 torpedo boat was sunk by the Japanese. Kennedy and his crew ended up in the ocean and had to swim for shore. Despite his bad back, Kennedy managed to swim the four hours to safety all the while towing an injured crew member along by his life jacket strap with his teeth.

Now that’s the kind of metal you need to be made from if you want to rule the free world.


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