Anthony Hopkins was only on screen for 16 minutes during The Silence of the Lambs!

Anthony Hopkins was only on screen for 16 minutes during The Silence of the Lambs!

Anthony Hopkins holds the record for least on screen time while still winning an Academy Award for the role. This role, of course, was for Hannibal Lectar in the film: The silence of the Lambs. The film has been internationally recognized, has some what of a cult following, and even has a few interesting facts surrounding it!

Have you heard any of these interesting facts? - The movie was released on Valentine's day in 1991 - Dr Lectar was based on many people one of which was Charles Manson. Anthony Hopkins noticed that Manson very rarely blinked, and he tried to do the same while on camera. In fact, Hopkins doesn't blink ONCE during the entire movie!

If you haven't seen the film, read a few more facts on your favorite website and then take some time out of your day, and watch a cinematic masterpiece!


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