The founding fathers would be disgusted as to what our government has become. No, it's not because everyone's trying to take away citizen guns or dispute gay marriage in the courts, it's because of the rise of the dreaded two-party system. In their eyes, it just can't work. Sort of feels like they may have had a point here.
John Adams dreaded the two-party system from the start. He believed that the greatest political evil under our Constitution, and his greatest fear, was the division of the republic into two big parties with their own leader with views that opposed each other. John Adams wasn't alone either, George Washington also expressed his fear in the two-party system in his farewell speech.
Some theorists believe that there is a psuedo-war between the two parties, orchestrated by a higher power to divide the American people and distract them from what is really important.
Major polls have shown that most Americans believe the two parties are doing so poorly that there needs to be a new, third major party. When you can't solve the problem with two, might as well make it three!