Research studies have now busted the myth that wolves are dominated by an “Alpha Wolf.” Scientists studied wolves in their natural habitat and found that, contrary to popular thinking, wolf packs are organizedvery much like human families.
There is very little aggression and no fights for dominance among wolves. The entire pack depends on each other to survive in the wild and therefore aggressive behaviors toward each other would inhibit the pack's ability to survive and flourish.
Just like in human families, social hierarchies do exist, but they are not related to aggression like so commonly and incorrectly portrayed in popular culture. Senior Research Scientist and wolf biologist L. David Mech recently wrote, after his many years of study of wolves, we should "once and for all end the outmoded view of the wolf pack as an aggressive assortment of wolves consistently competing with each other to take over the pack."
In 1998 Mech wrote that wolves generally avoid humans because of the fear humans instilled by their cruel behavior toward these animals. Mech also noted that humans' upright posture is unlike wolves' natural prey, and similar to some postures of bears, which wolves usually avoid.