A man won the Nobel for saying electrons act as particles. His son won it for saying electrons act as waves!

A man won the Nobel for saying electrons act as particles. His son won it for saying electrons act as waves!

The Nobel Prize in physics has been awarded to 193 individuals. At least two of those winners were related - father and son to be exact. This in itself is impressive (talk about good genes), but both JJ Thompson and his son, won the prize for their work with electrons.

John Joseph Thomson was awarded the Nobel Prize in 1906 for his discoveries about electricity conduction, especially within gas. He found that radiation, which resulted from voltage transmitted between two metal plates, is made up of particles that carry electricity. Thomson concluded that these particles were electrons and were part of the atom.

Thomson's son, George Paget Thomson, was awarded the Nobel Prize in Physics in 1937 along with Clinton Davisson. Furthering his father's work with electrons, G.P. Thomson and Davisson won for discovering the diffraction of electrons by crystals. Even within the elite physics community, like father, like son.


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