The Man Who Cycled From India To Sweden To Be With His Love

Boy meets girl. Boy falls madly in love. Boy cycles from India to Sweden (which takes him four months and three weeks) to reunite with his lady. It’s a love story as old as time itself, right?

Of course most love stories are far more simple than this, but then you obviously haven’t heard of Dr. P.K. Mahanandia. His legendary bicycle ride from New Dehli to Gothenburg to see the love of his life is currently going viral decades after it originally happened.

Separated by 3,600 miles back in the 1970s, the two lovebirds were faced with an almost Herculean task to be together. One of the best love stories ever told; Mahanandia’s tale has been told in many ways, but a recent Facebook post from Satyanarayan Patri about this romantic journey has blown up online.

A poor guy meets a rich girl. They fall in love. Girl goes back to her country. Boy promises to make it big and visit…

Posted by Satyanarayan Patri on Thursday, December 10, 2015



Predictably, Facebook users have fallen head over heels for this story and Patri’s post has blown up to over 93,000 likes and 69,000 shares since springing up on Thursday. If there’s one thing everyone enjoys, it’s a good love story.

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