Nude Yoga Girl Transforms Her Body Into Art Without Breaking Instagram’s No Nudity Rules

  1. A new Instagram account features tasteful black-and-white shots of an anonymous 25-year-old photographer doing yoga bare-skinned. The account was created only 5 weeks ago, however, it already has around 90k followers.

The yoga lover gets around the Instagram’s strict no nudity rules by hiding her intimate parts with a help of various angles, the use of shadows, and photoshop. All the photos are taken at her home with the help of her boyfriend. The aim is not to make them appealing on the most primal level, but to inspire people to lead healthier and happier lives.

“My biggest issue in the past was that I saw faults in my body all the time, and that made it impossible for me to love myself fully,” she told NY Mag. “Yoga helped me accept my body exactly the way it is. With my account I want to inspire people to realize that everybody is very beautiful and capable of [doing] amazing things with their bodies.”

More info: Instagram (h/t: mymodernmetnymag)

“My biggest issue in the past was that I saw faults in my body all the time, and that made it impossible for me to love myself fully”

She even turned to a restrictive diet which made her unhappy

“Yoga helped me accept my body exactly the way it is”

“I want to inspire people to realize that everybody is very beautiful and capable of [doing] amazing things with their bodies”

The yoga lover doesn’t break Instagram’s no nudity rules with a help of various angles, shadows, and some photo editing

All the photos are taken at her home with the help of her boyfriend

“With my account I want to inspire people to realize that everybody is very beautiful and capable of amazing things with their bodies”

The account was created only 5 weeks ago, however, it already has around 90k followers

She has had several photos removed because of the partly revealed nipples

“It’s absolutely good that Instagram has guidelines. Anyway, I just try to keep my pictures as realistic as possible”

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