Guy Who Constantly Pranks His Glamour Model Girlfriend Takes Shit Way Too Far

Meet Shammi, he has a massive internet following and is a renowned prankster. But his latest video has divided opinion, with some people claiming he has taken the ‘shaming’ of his girlfriend too far.

Sarah Reay-Young is a model and the butt of Shammi’s cruel jokes.


Shammi titled the clip ‘How to impress your girlfriend’ – in the video he smashes an egg into her face and shoves her into other members of the public. Although some people have found it funny, many have said that the video is degrading. One Facebook user wrote:

‘This is way to far man…like the make up thing was ok, but pushing her over? She could get seriously hurt, your meant to protect your girlfriend [sic],’


‘Mate if I was your girlfriend I would leave you! This is so disrespectful, especially in public! It’s just too far! Like why do you need to push her?’ another said.


‘This is pathetic,’ said one woman, ‘I hope your girlfriend sees sense and dumps your a**!’


The pair have been forced to defend themselves on their Facebook page.

‘Such a gentleman isn’t he, thanks bae, love you,’ Ms Reay-Young wrote on her page. It’s all fun and games people… besides wait until its his turn, pay backs a b***h, love you babe [sic].’

‘Haha you’re the best…Bring it on,’ Shammi replied.

Check out the video here:

So long as Sarah is truly comfortable with the pranks and is happy for these videos to be uploaded, I have absolutely no issue with the video. It’s up to couples to choose how they interact with each other and these two seem very much in love, even if the pranks do go to far.

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