Anonymous Have Asked For Peoples Help To Troll ISIS On 11th December

Online warriors Anonymous have asked its supporters to rally round and take part in a ‘trolling day’ against ISIS. On December 11 they want us all to post a series of satirical memes and pictures of its dead members. They say that this is part of the ongoing war against the militant group that they launched in the wake of the Paris attacks.

This is all aimed at disrupting the ISIS propaganda machine that has found real traction online in recent years. Anonymous are also urging us to take the fight out onto the streets and print out pictures and stick them up. They hope that this kind of action will irradiate the ‘fear’ the group spreads among the worlds population.

Anonymous declare war on ISIS

In a statement Anonymous said:

“You may be wondering why we are ‘trolling’ ISIS and planning all these demonstrations against them. But to understand that you must first see how Isis works.

They thrive off of fear they hope that by their actions they can silence all of us and get us to just lay low and hide in fear. But what many forget and even they do is that there are many more people in the world against them than for them.

And that is the goal of this mass uprising, on December 11th we will show them that we are not afraid,we will not just hide in our fear, we are the majority and with our strength in numbers we can make a real difference. We will mock them for the idiots they are.”

Internet-users-mock-ISIS-by-Photoshopping-rubber-duck-heads-onto-photos-of-jihadi-fighters-622839 Internet users mock ISIS by Photoshopping rubber duck heads onto photos of jihadi fighters 622839

The suggestions mainly focus on how to mock the ISIS on twitter, Instagram, Facebook and Youtube. As well as the light hearted picture above they want people to post images of dead members of the group and also belittle known supporters.

In addition to the online assault there will be real life meeting held in New York, Paris and London where people will be encouraged to attend and “Make stickers of mocking photos ” and “Print out pages showing how Isis does not represent Islam”.

The Independent published Anonymous’s ISIS-trolling suggestions in full:

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Anonymous have already closed down thousands of social media accounts that support the terrorist organisation as well as leaking secret information about the group. This latest move is a departure from their regular tactics and it will be interesting to see how successful it is.

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