8 Scientific Reasons Why Sleeping Naked Is Actually Really Good For You

When it comes to our bed and being naked, most of us will only slip out of our pyjamas and into our birthday suit when we’re turning up the heat in the bedroom. After a bit of getting down under the sheets, followed by canoodling, we grab the closest clothes and cover up, but experts say this is a bad habit.

Although several scientific studies stress our sleepwear can negatively affect our quality of sleep, and overall health, only a handful of people are stripping off for bed.

What I’ve known for a long time, science has finally confirmed. Here are seven perfectly logical, totally scientific reasons why you should sleep in your skivvies:

Drift into a deeper sleep.

According to The American Academy of Sleep Medicine, your body temperature naturally decreased as a part of your Circadian Rhythm when you sleep deeply.

Wearing pyjamas could disrupt this natural drop in temperature and, as a result, disrupt your body’s sleep cycle.

Disruption in the natural decline of body temperature is also directly linked to insomnia. If you can’t cool down, you’re not gonna sleep well, it figures.


You’ll feel liberated (so will your private parts).

Jennifer Landa, author of The Sex Drive Solution for Women, says sleeping naked is healthy for your downstairs lady bits.

By ditching underwear and PJs, you allow your privates the much needed aeration it requires to stay dry and healthy.



You’ll feel sexier.

When you’re with your new partner, there’s nothing nicer than waking up in the buff, ready and eager for morning sex.

Since you’ll be starting your day by slipping your naked body alongside your partner’s, you can bet your bottom dollar, you’ll feel a whole lot more confident, and aroused.

A more confident you is a more beautiful you — and not just to yourself, but also to others.


Encourage happy hormones (lose weight and heal).

If you opt for sleeping in the buff, you could reduce the fat around your belly and even lower your cholesterol.

According to the Huffington Post, your body cools down at night, increasing your growth hormones while simultaneously decreasing your levels of cortisol, which will result in “healthy sleep patterns.”

The perfect night’s sleep would be comprised of two cycles: the first has your body recuperating with lower cortisol levels and the second sees your body working to increase these levels in preparation for the next day so that you might have energy when you wake up.


Get ready for a lot more sex (which helps with the previous point)

If you sleep naked, you’re going to have more sex. It’s just logical. According to Dr. Landa:

“Sleeping naked encourages sex and sexier relationships are happier relationships.”

And, naturally, with more sex, you and your partner’s intimacy will only increase — especially when the hormone Oxytocin is introduced into the mix.

Oxytocin, as the Huffington Post notes, reduces stress levels, lowers your risk of depression and leads to a load of other health benefits that might seem completely unrelated to you and your partner naked spooning.



You can skip the morning shower.

If you don’t wear PJs, you’ll stay cool throughout the night, drastically increasing the likeliness of a good hair day the following morning. That’s important right?

If you get too hot in your sleep, you’re going to sweat… and if you sweat, your hair is going to look greasy. And greasy only looks good in McDonalds.


It’s hassle free.

Putting on pyjamas means more work: You have to take off your clothes, pick out your jimjams, and then put them on.

That might seem like a lazy thing to say, but sometimes the cupboard (or the kitchen, or the bathroom) is just too far away.

There’s also less clothes you need to wash each week because you just aren’t using them. And think of all that money you could save on pyjamas.



Stay youthful.

This one might be out there, but by wearing clothes at night you keep your body temp warmer, which prevents growth hormone from being released and working its magic to repair your skin. Being cold at night encourages this, leading to less wrinkles.


Another relevant, but unscientific, reason is that without PJs you’re less likely to be a sloth. Once you’re awake, you’re more inclined to get dressed for the day ahead rather than slobbing around in your cosies. Goodbye sloth, hello human being. Yay!

The evidence is overwhelmingly stacked in the favour of nakedness, so lose their clothes people, it may just be the best decision you make in a long time.

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