Here"s The Condom Challenge

 We’ve had the ghost pepper challenge, the ice bucket challenge, the cinnamon challenge… And that’s before we’ve even considered neknominations and no makeup selfies. However, the latest viral craze involves filling a condom with water and dropping it (from a conservative height) onto your friend’s head.

Called the #CondomChallenge, the idea is for the condom not to break, but to bulge over the head – causing a hilarious illusion of a bulbous face on the (presumably willing) victim. I don’t want to sound like your neurotic nan, but personally I think this challenge poses a risk of suffocation. That said, it would be a fairly ironic death if you were killed by safe sex.


The condom challenge is best attempted in bathroom, for obvious reasons

In many cases, it doesn’t quite have this incredible effect


So these guys were the lucky ones

As anyone who has suffered a split condom will confirm

Unilad reported that Elite Daily reported that the idea behind the challenge to was to show just how durable condoms are – and to promote safe sex. However, Elite Daily reported that Medical Daily reported this and according to Medical Daily, it was Twitter users who said it. So it turns out that the #CondomChallenge is not only fairly unsafe, but also completely baseless.

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