Who Says A Big, Burly Dog Isn't Just As Cute As The Tinier Tykes? Not Us!

Being little kind of makes it easy to be considered cute — it’s almost a given. But that doesn’t mean that those of us who are bigger or more burly and intimidating-looking don’t need some love and affection, too. Just take a gander at these great, brawny pooches. They’re proving that no matter your size, a dog is a dog and is just as cute as the tiny ball of fluff next to it.

They don’t like it when you make assumptions.

They like to hang out on the couch (or, hang on as much of the couch as they can fit on).

And they always want to snuggle. Consider it a weight-training exercise.

They don’t have to be big to be burly, though.

They can always use a nap.

They make friends with tiny kittens.

Like, really good friends.

And when they play? Well, it’s pretty adorable…

Although sometimes the kittens take advantage.

They’re not so keen on other creatures, though.

But they are certainly not afraid of the toaster.

And they’re totally not freaked out by thunderstorms, either.

But they do have their favorites.

And at the end of the day, they melt into big piles of cuteness.

Big, floppy piles.

Don’t worry tiny-but-sturdy friend. One day, you, too, will be a giant-size pile of mush.

Every giant pile of mush started out as a tiny pile of mush.

The size changes, but the mushiness? Not so much.

Bonus for enormous kitties!

Big dogs can certainly be intimidating because of their sheer size, but inside, they’re just looking for a little love — and probably some treats.

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