This Isn't Just A Boy And His Dog — Their Story Will Leave You In Tears

If you’re a pet owner, you know that in an emergency, it’s almost impossible to imagine leaving without taking your furry (or scaly) friend with you. But some emergencies are more drastic than others, which is why this boy’s story is so impressive.

While he was fleeing from war-torn Syria, this 17-year-old never dreamed of leaving his dog behind. His companion fled with him as he escaped, walking more than 300 miles. She’s been on the road with him ever since. His reasoning? “I love my dog.”

I love my dog!

"Some people will ask – you have only a small bag?""Yes.""And you bring your dog?""Yes.""Why?""I love my dog!"Many animal lovers will relate to this 17-year-old boy from Damascus, Syria. And we"ve seen many like him carrying their animals with them on the long journey from Syria, across the Mediterranean Sea and through Europe. When forced to flee home because of war, many people would never dream of leaving their pets behind.

Posted by UNHCR on Saturday, September 19, 2015

Aslan isn’t the only person fleeing Syria with hopes of finding a better life. Many others just like him are trekking thousands of miles, bringing their pets with, as well. It’s important that these people know that they are not alone and the efforts to help them will not end until everyone is safe. We wish each and every one of them the best of luck and a speedy path to a new, stable home.

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