This Baby Nearly Died From Being Kissed...And You Need To Know Why

Claire Henderson and her family were celebrating the birth of a baby girl, Brooke, when fatal tragedy nearly changed everything.

A visitor kissed the newborn baby girl…unknowingly infecting her with the herpes simplex virus 1 (which is the strain that causes cold sores). It can be transferred from oral-to-oral contact — and it can be fatal to newborns.

One night after the visit, Claire noticed that Brooke had a cold sore and swollen lips.

Frightened, she rushed her baby to the hospital. Once she got there, the doctors told her she was right to take the infection so seriously.

The sores were found on her face, lips, and in the back of her throat. Both her brain and liver were tested for damage / infection.

This kind of infection is very rare, but can result in “severe neurological disease” or even death.

Please share this with every new mum and pregnant woman you know… COLD SORES CAN BE FATAL FOR A BABY. Before 3 months…

Posted by Claire Henderson on Tuesday, September 15, 2015

An anti-viral drip saved Brooke — and now she is happy and healthy at home with her parents.

Most babies are protected by their mother’s antibodies, but these infections can still happen.

All mothers, fathers, and families should know that this virus can be deadly to young babies…and do their best to protect their newborns from it.

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