They Saw A Lump On The Side Of The Highway -- And Were Shocked By What They Found

When you bring an animal into your home, you are agreeing to care and provide for them. They aren’t something you can toss aside when you decide they’ve become inconvenient. Unfortunately, too many heartless people believe otherwise and abandon their pets to roam hopelessly, searching for help.

This sweet husky puppy and her mom were found barely hanging in there on the side of a busy road. Thankfully, kinder humans gave them both the second chance they deserve.

At first, they only noticed the small puppy by herself while cars whizzed by.

Then they saw her mom, clearly underweight and in need of a good meal.

She also desperately required treatment for a skin irritation covering her body.

But despite the traumatic ordeal, they still had each other’s love to help them hold on.

They were brought to the Animal Friends Foundation in Bourgas, Bulgaria, where they were given the love and attention they deserved.

They were shy at first, but surprisingly unafraid of the new humans in their lives.

They decided to name the mom Siberia.

The little one now goes by Alaska.

After lots of medicine and food helped her grow back her hair and gain some weight, Siberia’s happy face is now almost unrecognizable.

Alaska is also doing much better and both have found loving forever homes.

Here she is howling with happiness in her family’s backyard.

And Siberia works her way through what I’m sure is the latest of many chew toys.

(source Little Things)

It’s sad to think about how these two ended up in their tragic situation. How many cars passed them by before someone finally took the time to give them the help they deserved? It doesn’t take much to save lives, just a simple act of kindness. Thank goodness these cuties will never have to worry about fending for themselves ever again.

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