These Stark, Surreal Photos Capture More Than Just What's On The Outside

When you think of a young woman creating self portraits, maybe you immediately start picturing selfies snapped with a phone. There’s nothing wrong with that, but the self portraits of Hungarian artist Noell Oszvald are a little bit different. Instead of simply capturing what’s on the outside, these images capture an interior landscape using stark black-and-white and stylized geometry.

The results are strikingly surreal images that immediately evoke complex moods.

They’re at once classic and modern.

Oszvald incorporates the surrounding geometry of her setting with her own body, creating strange blends of human and architectural forms.

In the images, Oszvald’s body becomes less a human form and more a series of abstract shapes.

Although they look it, these images are not actually single photographs.

Rather, they are composites of several photos, which Oszvald assembles “like a jigsaw puzzle.” Because of this, she doesn’t consider herself a photographer, and says that she simply uses photographs as the basis for her compiled pieces.

The images are all created in post-processing, and are rarely, if ever, planned out beforehand. Most of them are created spontaneously.

Though they’re created on the fly, they still managed to have a staid, contemplative feeling.

Unlike many self-portraits, few of the images actually show Oszvald’s face.

Instead, she captures her interior self through subtle poses, gestures, and the setting.

(via Colossal)

You can see more of Oszvald’s work on her website, as well as on Facebook, Instagram, and Flickr.

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