These Foods Are Considered Chinese Delicacies, But We Recommend Going With Your Gut

Let me start off by saying that I definitely can’t claim to be a foodie, since I’ve pretty much only eaten Eggo waffles for the past two weeks. In fact, I’ve been picked on for quite some time now for my lack of culinary curiosity. I suppose that I just enjoy sticking to what I know and love.

And based on Kevin Munns‘ Chinese food blog, I have never been more confident about my tendency to stay in that comfort zone. In other words, you probably won’t be able to make me “l’eggo my Eggo.” Once you see these foods, you’ll understand why.

1. Dried starfish

2. Dried chicken

It’s extra crispy.

3. Dried octopus

I’m noticing a trend.

4. Dried lizard

5. Pig colon

6. Pig ears

7. Pig stomach

8. Pig brain

Well, at least we know that they’re not wasteful.

9. Pig heart

10. Pigeon

11. Turtle soup

12. Snails

13. Duck tongue

14. Frogs

15. Congealed duck blood

16. Duck intestines

17. Eels

I know that I’m supposed to want to try new things, but I’m going to have to side with my gut on this one…which means that I won’t be consuming anything else’s guts in the near future.

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