She Didn't Know Where Her Kids Were...Until She Walked In On This Hilarious Scene

Kids are capable of doing some pretty insane things. Once they get their little minds set on doing something, they will stop at nothing to accomplish their goals. Some of their goals are noble, while some are quite heinous.

What this little girl did to her brother falls into the latter category. When her mom discovered what she did, she had to get a camera so the whole world could witness it.

Peanut butter baby

This video was taken in 2004. It is THE video that gave us our 30 Seconds of "fame." (And an all-expense paid trip to Chicago) Emily was 3 and Ethan was 18 months at the time.

Posted by Gina Gardner Brown on Saturday, January 24, 2009

Thank goodness that kid doesn’t have a peanut butter allergy, or he would be toast! That little girl is evil…and also incredibly wasteful. She wasted a good portion of that peanut butter can. I bet that’ll come out of her allowance!

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