Must-Visit Destinations for Mystery Lovers

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Photo Credit: Velvet Escape

The world is filled with mysteries – and, if you’re a mystery lover who wants to explore some of the best, these spectacular must-visit destinations for mystery lovers are ideal, including the Ancient City of Petra in Jordan, pictured above. This “lost city,” made up of hundreds of homes, tombs, temples, obelisks and altars, as well as a theater that could fit over 3,000 patrons, is believed to have been built back in the 1st century, BC. It holds many hidden secrets just waiting to be unveiled – archaeological excavations in the region have shown that the area was first occupied more than 9000 years ago. To enter, you’ll first have to pass through the narrow Siq Valley, with walls towering on each side and the massive pillars gradually rising into view.

Great Pyramid of Giza, Egypt

Pyramids-of-Giza-egypt-1239953_1600_1200 Pyramids of Giza egypt 1239953 1600 1200

Photo Credit: istock via CNTraveler

The only wonder of the ancient world that still exists today is believed to have been built as a tomb for an Egyptian King known as “Khufu,” the fourth dynasty of kings for the Egyptian people. Experts believe that it was completed around 2540 BC. For approximately 4,000 years the pyramid was considered to be the tallest structure made by man.

Stonehenge, England

stonehenge sunset stonehenge sunset

Photo Credit: YouTube/University of Birmingham

Built sometime between 3000 BC and 2000 BC, no one really knows what Stonehenge is or how it was made. Although theories abound, from the transporting and placing of the rocks to what its significance was, Stonehenge remains one of the most compelling mysteries of ancient times.

Nazca Lines, Peru

Nazca Lines, Peru Nazca Lines Peru

Photo Credit:

Set upon an isolated, arid plateau in Peru, these enormous ground drawings measure as much as 660 feet, and just why they exist is unknown. The precise art work in the over 70 “Nazca lines,” includes detailed animals like monkeys, fish, birds and llamas. Most can only be seen while flying above in a plane, or from observation towers. While the Nazca culture is believed to have created them, the question remains: how did this primitive civilization achieve such a feat on such a grand scale when they had no way of viewing them from above?

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