It's Never Too Early To Plan Your Halloween Costume...These 34 Dogs Wanna Help

I know, I know, it’s not even October yet. But believe me, I bet you a hypothetical $5 that, come October 30, you’ll be rummaging through your closet looking for something that could pass as a costume to wear to that party you’ve been looking forward to. So why not get a head start on the planning this year with the help of some adorably well-dressed pups?

1. A tiger is always a classic one.

2. I’ve never wanted to gobble up a hamburger more in my entire life.

3. *Rawr*

A photo posted by @shelbss1231 on

4. Sharks: they’re so hot right now.

A photo posted by Jess Destroy (@jessdestroy) on

5. Cutest. Battle. EVER.

A photo posted by @milsopets on

6. This guy’s embarrassed that he’s such a cliché.

7. Rule #1: make sure you really commit to the character.

A photo posted by Eddie Sean (@eddiesean) on

8. He’s got the idea.

9. This little piggy is plotting some Halloween debauchery already.

10. “Come on, let’s get more creative here! Sexy pumpkin’s been done before.”

11. “I’m a pretty butterfly, aren’t I, Ma?”

A photo posted by Morgan (@miss_mayer1) on

12. She’s terrified of lobsters but loves her costume.

13. Perfection.

A photo posted by Jake Knapp (@knappster83) on

14. “I’m the king-a the jungle!”

A photo posted by Melissa Alonzo (@mlsstiny) on

15. “No, little one…you are still just a prince.”

16. “Excuse me, I’m with the band.”

17. I knew unicorns were real!

A photo posted by @whimsical_lane on

18. The resemblance is incredible…

19. It’s never a bad idea to dress up like the princess you are.

A photo posted by Happy Paw (@happypawhawaii) on

20. You’re WAY cuter than Johnny Depp.

21. There are no words for this gloriousness.

22. If you’re going for spook factor…this is how you do it.

23. Nope, just kidding. The Ghostbusters route is the way to go.

A photo posted by @lololosangeles on

24. This little stinger is bound to win best costume.

A video posted by Mauro Gatti (@maurogatti) on

25. Remember that couples costumes are always a fun time.

A photo posted by Bobby & Jess Caddell (@caddellcouple) on

26. Remember to get a good photographer for the occasion to document how cute you look.

27. Make sure to smile!

28. No candy inside this piñata, just tons of love (and bacon-flavored treats).

29. There’s always the one jokester at the party…

30. Guac is extra…ADORABLE.

31. I always was jealous of Ariel’s hair.

A photo posted by @imzsazsa on

32. Do they even sell Chia Pets anymore? Whatever, doesn’t matter…this is great.

33. Sometimes it’s not the complexity of the costume that matters, but how you wear it.

34. No matter what you end up wearing…chances are you’ll wake up November 1 looking a little like this Ewok:

A photo posted by @teeeeeeef on

I hope these pups offered up some ideas for your own Halloween festivities — I know they gave me some ideas…Is it October yet?

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