He Was Exploring His Childhood Home When He Found The Source Of His Nightmares

Have you ever gone back to your childhood home and realized how different it was from what you remembered? Maybe the new owners put up a fence or repainted the house, which would explain it. The difference, however, usually just comes from us being older and wiser.

But what if you went back to visit your childhood home and discovered something that had been there all along, but that you had never noticed as a kid growing up. That’s exactly the situation that Redditor Elvecio found himself in earlier this week.

After not living there for 12 years, Elvecio returned to his childhood home to see it one more time before his parents sold it.

While exploring the nearly empty house, he found his way to his parents’ old bedroom.

“The old closet looks a lot bigger than I remember,” Elvecio thought.

On the inside wall, however, was a door Elvecio didn’t remember being there. When he was a kid, it was just a regular wall.

He had to open it and see what was behind.

He found a creepy empty hallway.

If the existence of a mystery hallway wasn’t bad enough, there were also a bunch of locked doors in it.

Elvecio’s father was well aware of this secret passage and intentionally sealed it off before Elvecio was born. At least that’s the official story…

(source Reddit)

That is terrifying on so many levels. Just imagine being a little kid and accidentally stumbling on a secret, creepy hallway in your own home. That would have been traumatic. Still, I think accidentally discovering it years later isn’t much better…

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