Biologists Battling it Out in Twitter CuteOff to Crown World’s Most Adorable Animal

cute animals final cute animals final

Photo Credit: SC Aquarium/Twitter,, Shark University/Twitter

It doesn’t get much better than pictures of super adorable animals. This week, scientists and a variety of experts at aquariums and zoos decided to show just how passionate they are about their creatures by holding a Twitter CuteOff competition.

In the social media battle, animal lovers are sharing images of the most adorable critters, and have even started their own teams with hashtags like #TeamHerpetology and #TeamEntomology. Scientists seem to be having all sorts of fun with hashtags as of late, starting with #junkoff, in which the experts tweeted images of animal genitalia, leading to the experts tweeting photos of the cutest creatures in the animal kingdom with the tag #cuteoff.

Feeds are full of adorable creatures of leopard geckos, piping plover chicks and even millipedes.

The tweets are designed to highlight the diversity of insects, mammals, amphibians, reptiles and birds being studied by scientists in their various fields around the world. It’s also encouraged everyday Twitter users to share pictures of their own pets.

It all started with some friendly competition between your typical super cute and cuddly animals like bat-eared foxes, baby bears and baby bobcats.

foxes foxes

Photo Credit: AnneWHilborn/Twitter

snow leopard snow leopard Photo Credit: Jake Belair/Twitter

But soon there were more unique creatures. In addition to the baby sea turtle, baby coffinfish and baby skate, pictured above, there were animals like the eastern red-backed salamander.

eastern red backed eastern red backed

Photo Credit: Rosemary Mosco/Twitter

And, of course, those unforgettable sea bunnies.

sea bunnies sea bunnies

Photo Credit: Milana Featherbottom/Twitter

Along with a newly hatched cuddlefish.

cuddle fish cuddle fish

Photo Credit: Carina M. Gsottbauer/Twitter

These cownose rays posted by the Smithsonian Environmental Research Center are really bringing it on. While deciding a true “winner” when it comes to animal cuteness isn’t easy, these guys are definitely going to be hard to beat.

cownose rays cownose rays

Photo Credit: SmithsonianEnv

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