26 Hilarious Cats Who Have Seen Things They Can Never, Ever Unsee

Have you ever walked into a room and noticed your cat with a look on their face? A look that either says, “I know all the secrets of the universe,” or, “I have seen something that cannot be unseen.” The mysterious expression may cause you to worry for a second. That is, if you aren’t laughing your head off first.

Of course, it’s usually just a strange noise or something in the corner of their eye causing the silly reaction, but it’s hilarious all the same.

1. “Toddlers. Are. Terrifying.”

2. “Oh no, that’s what my belly looks like??”


4. “Dude. What have you been eating?”

5. “Do I smell tuna?”

6. “This doesn’t feel like ‘just a trim."”

7. She just downloaded all the secrets of the universe.

8. “These things OPEN?”

9. “Have you even SEEN the health code report on this place?”

10. He suffers from PTFD: post-traumatic fly disorder.

11. “Whatever ‘cuddle’ means, I don’t like it.”

12. “I saw what you and mom did last night.”

13. “Have you ever stopped to think about, like, the universe?”


15. “Don’t step on the scale. You won’t like it.”

16. “I found something…unsavory in here.”

17. “Hey, sky-booms? Can we talk this over like adults?”

18. “Comma splices. COMMA SPLICES EVERYWHERE.”

19. “You don’t want to go near the litter box for a while…”

20. His whole kitten life is flashing before his eyes.

21. “You put yourself in water…ON PURPOSE?”

22. “Man, this catnip is off the charts.”

23. “We had an arrangement with the other guy who lived there…he gave us treats.”

24. “The feather was chasing me in my dream again.”

25. “What monster recorded over my episode of Cat Whisperer?”

26. “No…please…whyyyyy.”

Life, man…am I right?

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