This Goose Lost Her Eggs, But She Was Given Another Chance To Be A Loving Mother

Losing our children can be a heart-wrenching ordeal for both man and beast, especially when the loss comes at the hands of a menacing person bent on destruction. That’s why when we learned about this story of this mother goose dealing with the loss of her eggs, we were not only shocked to learn how she lost her babies, but amazed at what happened next.

When an insane stranger set fire to this goose’s nest, she bravely stayed with her eggs amidst the flames, using her body to shield them as best she could.

When an insane stranger set fire to this goose

Tim White

When rescuers were able to finally put out the flames and bring the goose and her eggs to the Back To The Wild rehabilitation center, they learned that six eggs were no longer in tact.

When rescuers were able to finally put out the flames and bring the goose and her eggs to the Back To The Wild rehabilitation center, they learned that six eggs were no longer in tact. desktop 1433386315

Tim White

Understandably devastated, this mother goose was not only physically hurt from the flames, but emotionally scarred as well.

With many months of recovery in front of her, rescuers were worried about the goose’s will to live.

That is, until these adorable goslings showed up. Orphaned and needing a new mother to help guide them through life, rescuers wondered if they could be paired with the sad mother goose.

Their fears were soon allayed. “As soon as we put these precious babies out with her in our wetlands habitat, this mother goose got right to herding them up and protecting them from…us!” says the rescue organization.

As this new family grows together, rescuers plan to release them back into the wild together, once the mother has fully healed.

(via Back To The Wild)

Tragic stories go down a little bit easier when they end like this. Sure, bad things can happen, but the lesson here is to always keep your heart open to love — wherever it may come from.

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