These 21 Animals Have Climbed Their Ways To The Top Of The Corporate Ladder

“What do you want to be when you grow up?”

It’s a question we’ve been asked ever since we were tiny babies, and the prospects for successful career paths are presented to us at a very early age. Some of us take a very long, winding road to find the right one, but these animals have made it. They clearly know how to work the system!

1. “Getting those reports done, Alice?”

2. “Yes, Charles, have a seat. We need to talk.”

3. “That’s right….Big Brother’s watching you, minions.”

4. You aren’t gonna make your millions sleeping in file cabinets…What’s that? You’ve already made them? Okay, sleep away.

5. “Welcome to W.O.O.F. where it’s all dogs, all the time. I’m your host, DJ Beggin’ Strip, who’s our first caller?”

6. “Jill, I said no selfies during team meetings.”

7. “That chair gives me back issues…I prefer the desk.”

8. When you’re CEO, you get the luxury of working from your, um, “modest” penthouse.

9. “I like to think I can really identify with my patients.”

10. “You’re going down, mailman.”

11. Had a little too much fun at that “business” wine tasting, huh?

12. “We’re going to overcharge him for this axel greasing, right? Tell him we ordered all new parts?”

13. “Listen, I think we’re just moving in a different direction. You understand.”

14. “Hey Jim, how long ’til you think they realize a sea lion is serving them their fish?”

15. After you, sir.

16. Ah, yes, we all dream of that corner office with a river view.

17. “You want an artisanal sponge? That’s $14.”

18. “Not now! I’ve been up since 3 a.m. coding this new program. I’ve have six Red Bulls. I’m sitting on millions here…MILLIONS.”

19. He doesn’t even have to lift a finger. Probably because there wouldn’t be enough pressure to click anything…

20. When he said he needed to take a closer look at the expense reports…this wasn’t what I had in mind.

21. “You like the decor? Yeah, we had the same designer come in who did Martha Stewart’s house.”

Maybe I can get some entrepreneurial tips from these furry friends, because they sure do seem to have it all figured out!

Find more silly little guys right here:

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