Guys, Can You Just Not Talk So Loud...These Pets Really Need Their Beauty Rest

After burning the candle at both ends, there’s nothing like a nice, long, uninterrupted night of sleep to recharge your health and happiness. No amount of moisturizer or makeup in the world can replace the healing powers of hitting the snooze button again…and again.

And while our animal friends may not seem like they have the most stressful lives, we can still take a page out of their beauty sleeping book. Just think about how adorable they are and you’ll realize they clearly know something we don’t about how to keep their fluffy faces fresh every day.

1. “I deserve this.”

2. “Do. Not. Disturb.”

3. “This is my happy place. I will never leave my happy place.”

4. “Are you sure you got all of them? I really need all of them.”

5. “The massager in this neck pillow is purrrr-fection.”

6. “Just put the treat on my tongue. I can chew in my sleep.”

7. She finally found a solution for her daytime naps.

8. “Ocean sounds? I said I wanted rainforest!”

9. It’s the best way to turn his frown upside down.

10. “Yeah, go ahead and hit that snooze again for me, will ya?”

11. “Go ahead, use the flash, see if I care.”

12. “Why is it so bright in here??”

13. All she needs are some curlers for those ears and she’ll be set.

14. “They say silk sheets ensure you don’t get wrinkles…”

15. “I think one more cushion should do it.”

16. Audrey Hepburn herself would be proud of this pup.

17. “Just gotta…get this blanket…over my head…”

18. This is the best position for waking up with perfect kitten posture.

19. “Aaaand now just stay like this for three to five hours, thanks.”

20. He needed to recharge before he could tackle the rest of the steps with dignity and grace.

21. “Ugh, watching you work to buy me kibble is exhausting.”

22. “Don’t forget my mimosa in the morning, thanks.”

23. “Y’know, you’re right, guys, this new blanket was totally worth the price.”

24. “Mr. Bear, did you remember to hold all my calls?”

25. She may be snug as a bug, but she’s definitely cuter than one.

So instead of staying awake for one more episode of the show you’re binging on Netflix or starting that new chapter in the book you’re reading, turn the lights out and give yourself the rest you deserve.

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