Fearless Cat Protects Family By Scaring Off a Huge Black Bear

black bear black bear

Photo Credit: Time.com

You might remember a scene in Disney’s 1963 film “Incredible Journey” in which a rather fearless cat fights off a bear to protect one of her dog friends, Bodger.

That might have seemed rather unbelievable, but a similar, if not as dramatic, incident actually occurred recently at a home in Alaska this past weekend.

When a black bear approached the sliding glass door of the Eagle River home on Sunday, a two-year-old domestic house cat named Nani watched it from a crouched position. When it came a little too close for comfort, the cat showed just how tough and brave by making her move.

The cat’s owner, Darlis Elliott explained, “She’s really such a fraidy-cat most of the time, I don’t know what got into her. She probably wouldn’t have lunged if we weren’t standing right behind her.”

She said she’s used to bears and moose hanging around her house and wasn’t surprised when she saw the bear approach Sunday, noting, “The bear came up our front drive way and walked around the house to the back. We were all kind of watching him as he came up the back porch and that’s when Nani saw him.”

“We were all really surprised that she lunged at him, but we were more surprised that it scared him enough to fall of the porch,” she added.”

Watch the scene unfold on YouTube here:


Elliott says the bear has not returned after its encounter with Nani.

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