Dog Missed His Owner When He Went To Work So He Followed Him All The Way To His Train

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This dog missed his owner too much while he was at work every day, and so he decided to do something about it. Paddy the awesome escape artist dog knew all he had to do was somehow get out of the yard and then follow his owner to work.

The dog’s owner, Thomas McCormack, couldn’t believe his eyes when he saw his dog approach him on the train in route to work.

McCormack told the Kirkintilloch Herald, “I was just on my way to work and went to the train station. I jumped on the train and the next thing I know Paddy comes in and sits on the seat next to me. I was shocked. He just looked at me as if he was saying ‘Where are you going?’”

The pair from Croy, North Lanarkshire, Scotland ended up going to work together that day. In other words, Paddy, his adorable dog, made a good decision when he hopped the fence back at home and followed his owner’s scent trail to the train station.

It wasn’t the first time Paddy escaped the yard, but McCormack couldn’t figure out how considering the yard is enclosed by a 6-foot fence. A neighbor informed him Paddy was using the trampoline to get the leverage necessary to leap over the fence.

“He’s a clever dog,” said McCormack about Paddy. He believes his dog learned how to get over the fence while playing with kids on the trampoline.

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McCormack told the local newspaper, “My guess is that he’s made the journey a few times, but never managed to find me until the other day. That morning he obviously caught me. I had to take him to work.”

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McCormack was a good sport about the whole thing, and how could you not be, who doesn’t want a dog that loves you so much they go to some serious lengths to follow you?!

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Learn more about Paddy the unstoppable pup in this reenactment video made by SWNS:

Photo Credits: SWNS

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