In what is likely the realization of many a childhood nightmare, six-year-old Owen Lake left his traveling companion behind. The stuffed tiger, Hobbes, was stranded at Tampa International Airport while making the journey to Houston.
Luckily for Hobbes and Owen, the stuffed companion was picked up by airport personnel. While he didn’t get to go to Houston, Hobbes did have a great adventure at the airport, learning the ins and outs of Tampa International, like the VIP he is.
He got to see some behind-the-scenes action, as well, like how everything is kept in order in the busy airport…
But after a week, it was time to go home.
(via Tampa International Airport, BoredPanda)
Now that Hobbes and Owen are both experienced travelers, perhaps we’ll see more of their adventures — hopefully together this time! And Tampa International Airport wasn’t the only group to welcome Hobbes. On their Twitter, you can see the rest of the people who chipped in to give Hobbes the time of his stuffed life. See more great shots and airplane fun on their Instagram and Facebook.