27 Adorable Animals That Know Exactly How To Get What They Want

Even when they aren’t trying to get their paws on our food, a new toy, or angling for belly rubs, our adorable little fur babies have a way of convincing us to spoil them. No matter how strong-willed you think you are, we all become a puddle with a blink of those puppy dog and kitty cat eyes.

But when there’s something extra tempting on their mind, they have no shame in pulling out the ultra-pleading maneuvers. And you have to admit, these guys are very convincing.

1. “Nonono, don’t throw the catnip out. PLEASE.”

2. There was no hope for their humans when they started teaming up.

3. “C’mon, you know you wanna drop that cheese slice…”

4. “How long do I have to do this before you give me that pizza crust?”

5. “I beseech you, good sir, please throweth thine ball.”

6. “Nooo, we don’t have to go back inside just yet!”

7. “Ahem. Over here.”


9. “I’ve looked over the research and come to the conclusion: you must give me your salmon.”

10. “Are you suuuure I’m not allowed on the bed?”

11. “Look, see, like dis!”

12. “Can we switch over to cartoons?”

13. “You’re getting very sleepy…you want to give me that cake…”

14. “You don’t really need that last slice of pizza.”

15. “Um…little help?”

16. “Can I interest you in a trade?”

17. He does this when you turn your back to grab a treat.

18. “Cuddles. Right meow.”

19. “My whole life, all I ever dreamed of was seeing the world from the front seat…”

20. There’s no way you’re saying no to this classy guy.

21. “Oh, I thought you wanted to rub my belly? Well, as long as I’m here…”

22. This happens every time she hears the sizzle of bacon.

23. “I thought I was your best friend. Best friends share.”

24. “Just one fry? Just one!”

25. “Listen, Mr. Squeakers isn’t gonna throw himself around for me.”

26. “Stop! You can’t go any farther until you pet me!”

27. “Guess I’ll just walk in the air since no one wants to take me out…”

Yep, each and every one of these little guys would walk all over me. Just ask my cat how much he loves drinking out of my water cup even when his bowl is full of the exact same thing.

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