These guys launched paper planes from space. You'll never believe where they ended up!

These guys launched paper planes from space. You'll never believe where they ended up!

Having too much time on your hands can lead to some seriously fun results.

Just ask these guys in Germany who designed a bunch of paper planes to be dropped from the very edge of our atmosphere and space to float down to who knows where.

Each plane is equipped with a memory card that is filled with messages from people all over the world. And all over the world is exactly where those planes are claimed to have ended up! Reports as far as California, Canada and South Africa have been made after finishing their journey from 37 kilometers up in the air.

The project was sponsored by Samsung to prove just how tough their memory cards are. Seeing as how they survived the the frigid temperatures of the atmosphere's edges and a journey across the oceans before crashing back down to Earth—and the memory cards could still load up on a computer and display their messages.

It's amazing that some guys can make a paper plane travel all over the world and I can't make one go 10 feet before taking a drastic turn down and bending beyond repair. I'll just stick to paper balls!


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