There is a town in Norway named Hell.

There is a town in Norway named ‘Hell’.

It gets even better - if you use the country’s abbreviated form, the town is called Hell, NO! The name Hell is deriven not from the fiery furnace, from the Old Norse word hellir, which meant ‘cliff cave’. Strangely enough, nowadays the word ‘hell’ in Norwegian means luck! As you would expect, the town has become a relatively popular tourist destination over the years. Visitors enjoy taking photographs of the local train station, which boasts a sign which reads “Hell: Gods-expedition”. This is actually a clever play on the Norwegian term godsekspedisjon, which means “cargo handling”! Rumor has it that this Hell tends to freeze over annually, believe it or not.

Another Hellishly fun fact: Mona Grudt, the first Norwegian to be named "Miss Universe", is from a small town near Hell. During the competition in 1990, she listed herself as "The Beauty Queen from Hell" as a publicity stunt. The trick must've worked, because she ended up winning the entire competition!


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