In 2012, a cat saved it's owner after awaking her from a seizure and got her son to call for assistance...the same day it was adopted.

In 2012, a cat saved it's owner after awaking her from a seizure and got her son to call for assistance...the same day it was adopted.

In 2012, Amy Jung went into a diabetic seizure while asleep. Her cat Pudding nudged her awake until she could call out to her son.

The son couldn’t hear her, though, so Pudding went into his room and pounced on him until he woke up and called for medical assistance.

That’s a great story, but it’s not what makes it stand out. The most interesting fact about this is that Jung and her son had only adopted Pudding earlier that very day!

That’s one cat that seems to be very happy with being adopted.

Dogs and cats can both do amazing things. There have been countless accounts of a pet saving its owners life, whether through alerting them to a fire or discovering a tumor.

Dogs get the label of man’s best friend, but cats can be just as helpful.

According to animal psychologist Roger Mugford, cats are as capable as dogs at detecting illnesses in humans, but are less likely to do so because they are they are “very much more selfish, solitary creatures.”

Luckily for Amy Jung, Pudding was looking out for her.


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