If you took all the gold in the world and made it into a cube, it would only measure 20.5m on a side

If you took all the gold in the world and made it into a cube, it would only measure 20.5m on a side

Gold has been used for thousands of years as currency. Its distinct color draws people in, and it’s pretty rare. But just how rare is it?

If you took all of the gold ever mined and melted it into a cube, the sides would be 20.5 meters across.

That’s less than the width of an Olympic swimming pool, and that would weight a whopping 166,500 tons!

Most of the gold in Earth’s crust is thought to come from meteors.

The United States has the most gold in reserve of any country in the world at 8133.5 tons. That’s way more than other any country. Germany has the second most with 3396.3 tons.

Only seven countries have more than 1000 tons of gold in reserve, but that number could be false.

Many Central Banks in the western world purposefully lease out their gold reserves and hide it with accounting tricks in order to keep the price of gold down.They do this because lower gold prices makes an economy appear more stable.


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