The creator of Pringles was so proud of them, he decided he wanted to be buried in a can. Which flavor?

The creator of Pringles was so proud of them, he decided he wanted to be buried in a can. Which flavor?

Once you pop, you just can't stop—even after you're dead! A single can of Pringles, no matter which delicious flavor, is easily recognizable and iconic. However, no matter how much you may love the addictive little crisps, would you be alright with being buried in one of the tube-like cans? That's exactly where the can's creator rests today.

Fredric Baur created the way to stack chips in a uniform fashion rather then tossing them in a bag with no rhyme or reason in 1966. The iconic can was created and has been a staple for the chip's brand for the last 48 years. When Baur died in 2008, the 89-year-old was buried in the can that he was so proud to have designed.

Baur first brought up the burial idea back in the 1980s which resulted in some funny looks and laughter from his children. But he was dead serious. His family stopped at a Walgreen's for the special Pringles can on the way to the funeral home, landing on the original as his resting flavor.


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