The author of Sherlock Holmes was a Sherlock himself! Learn more about this amazing man

The author of Sherlock Holmes was a Sherlock himself! Learn more about this amazing man

What if Robert Downey, Jr. Actually had an Iron Man suit and went around saving the world in a totally unconventional ways? What if Christian Bale actually had an awesome Batmobile and bat suit and lived in a bat cave? Well, there actually are a few heroes from stories that lived up to their hype.

Sir Arthur Conan Doyle, the creator of Sherlock Holmes, was an actual seeker of justice himself. He investigated two closed cases and lead to the exoneration of the crimes for which two men were accused. Doyle even paid most of the appeal costs for one German man after his defense of him proved successful.

Not only did he investigate on his own, but his police work also helped to create a better system that would make it more difficult for injustices to be done in the future.

Sir Arthur Conan Doyle is a prime example of a true life hero that was honored in his own work and in later writings from other people. Some of his cases were even converted into television dramas or movies.


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